Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline
Deadline: 11:59 PM Central Standard Time (USA) on February 23, 2012

Time Zone Reference

Abstracts are invited under any of the following seven themes.

1. Gut Microbiome and Host Response
2. Nutrient Digestion and Absorption
3. Mucosal Immunity and Pathogenesis
4. Neonatal Development of Digestive and Absorptive Capacity
5. Long Term effects of Pre and Early Postnatal Nutrition/Environment
6. Methodologies and Their Application
7. Manipulation of Digestion

Abstracts are limited to 2300 keystrokes. We are suggesting that the number of abstracts submitted be limited to 4 per presenter. An individual lab may submit many more than 4 abstracts, but only 4 per presenter.

There have been some problems in the past with abstracts submitted and presenters not attending the meeting. To overcome this problem, abstracts will be withdrawn if the presenter has not registered for the conference prior to April 6th, 2012.

Abstracts will not be printed and handed out at the meeting. Rather, the final program of the conference, including the abstracts, will be provided on this website about one week prior to the conference for attendees who wish to print them down.

When you submit your abstract on this site's submission form, you will be asked if you intend to submit a 3-page manuscript for publication as well. These 3-page manuscripts will be limited to 13,500 keystrokes. If you indicate that you will, please be prepared to assist the Publications Subcommittee with reviewing other manuscripts. This will keep the work load of any one individual to a low level, but also ensure that the papers arising from this conference are of a high quality.

We have arranged for a special e-supplement of the Journal of Animal Science to be published specifically for invited and submitted papers presented at this conference. This ensures that the papers will be easily accessible and searchable. Manuscripts will be due on April 23rd, 2012. Guidelines for these manuscripts are now available.

Oral papers or posters should consist of original, completed work that has not been accepted for publication in a journal.

Digestive Physiology of Pigs • 1800 South Oak St. Suite 100 • Champaign IL 61820-6974
Phone (217)356-3182 • Fax (217)398-4119 • Email: