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Thank you for your interest in participating in the 16th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs. Below you will find information relative to the timeline and process for submitting abstracts of scientific contributions.

Should you have additional questions, please contact the organizers at  

Scientific Organizing Committee:

  • Kolapo Ajuwon (Co-chair, Purdue University)
  • Nick Gabler (Co-Chair; Iowa State University)
  • Layi Adeola (Purdue University)
  • Dan Columbus (Prairie Swine Center, Inc.)
  • Nathan Horn (United Animal Health)
  • Crystal Levesque (South Dakota State University)
  • Marie-Pierre Létourneau Montminy (Laval University)
  • Martin Nyachoti (University of Manitoba)
  • Sarah Pearce (USDA NLAE)
  • Milena Saqui Salces (University of Minnesota)
  • Pedro Urriola (University of Minnesota)
  • Chengbo Yang (University of Manitoba)

The overall theme ('From discovery to development'), vision, and mission for DPP2025 will be addressed in the following thematic areas:

  • Functionality of the intestinal microbiome and host response.
  • Advances in understanding of nutrient digestion and absorption.
  • Development of the digestive and absorptive capacity in the neonate and impact of weaning on intestinal function.
  • Mucosal immunity and pathogenesis and the role of the digestive tract in the maintenance of health.
  • Functional ingredients and utilization of feed resources for improved digestive function and nutrient efficiency.

Program at-a-glance:


May 20, 2025

May 21, 2025

May 22, 2025

May 23, 2025


Concurrent Satellite Symposia

Mineral metabolism: a holistic approach for swine nutrition and health (Sponsor: Animine)

Advances in nutritional strategies to enhance nutrient utilization, growth and health of pigs (Sponsor: Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH)

Session I: Functionality of the intestinal microbiome and host response.

Keynote: Effect of early weaning stress on pig gut microbiome development (Benjamin Willing, Professor; University of Alberta, Canada)

Keynote: Gut Microbiota-host cells interaction in Health and Diseases (Hervé M. Blottière, PhD; Research Director, Research Director at INRAE, France)

Session III: Development of digestive and absorptive capacity in the neonate and impact of weaning on intestinal  function

Keynote: Use of Organoids to study the role of the microbiota in the early life development of the pig intestine (Martin Beaumont, PhD; INRAE, France)

Keynote: Intestinal epithelial development and nutritional intervention in piglets (Huansheng Yang, Professor, Hunan Normal University, China)

Session V: Mucosal immunity and pathogenesis and the role of the digestive tract in the maintenance of health

Keynote: Interrogating porcine intestinal immune status to enhance disease resilience (Crystal L. Loving, PhD; Research Immunologist, USDA-ARS-NADC)

Keynote: The intestinal barrier. Too much of a good thing? (Jerrold Turner, MD, PhD; Harvard Medical School, USA)


Satellite Symposia lunch

Poster Session

Poster Session

Closing Session


Concurrent Satellite Symposia

Mitigating antimicrobial resistance by promoting gut health in pigs (Sponsor: PIG-PARADIGM)

How to make antimicrobials in pig feed redundant, an Australian approach (Sponsor:  DSM-Firmenich)

Session II: Advances in understanding of nutrient digestion and absorption

Keynote: Advances in understanding nutrient digestion and absorption: Modulators of passage and nutrient absorption kinetics in the digestive tract of pigs (Sonja de Vries, PhD; Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands)

Session IV: Functional ingredients and utilization of feed resources for improved digestive function and nutrient efficiency

Keynote: Approaches to reducing nitrogen and phosphorus losses in pigs; challenges and opportunities (Marie-Pierre Létourneau Montminy, PhD; University of Laval, Canada)



#DPP2025 Welcome Reception

“A Night on the Lakes”: Lake Geneva scenic cruise

#DPP2025 Gala: “Wisconsin: Heartland to the World”




As interest from entities seeking to sponsor and conduct satellite symposia has gained momentum, the organizing committee would like to provide additional information/guidelines regarding the process and timeline for satellite symposia selection.

  • Receipt of inquiries is open NOW!
  • Inquiries should include the following:
    • Name of Satellite Symposia Sponsor
    • Proposed Satellite Symposia Title
    • Summary of proposed Satellite Symposia content and proposed speakers
  • August/September, 2024: Organizing committee evaluation of proposals (criteria below)
    • Satellite Symposia should demonstrate alignment, but not substantial overlap with symposium content (
    • Satellite Symposia should be appropriate for the target audience
    • Satellite Symposia should be presented in an objective, balanced, and scientifically rigorous manner
  • September/October, 2024: Acceptance decisions and finalization of agreements (
  • Available Satellite Symposia opportunities:
    • Tuesday, May 20 (morning satellite symposia)
    • Tuesday, May 20 (afternoon satellite symposia)
    • Friday, May 23 (afternoon satellite symposia)

Social Program: In addition to the scientific program social activities will be arranged for additional networking opportunities.